Technical Rep Engineer
ASC Steel Deck is pleased to introduce Mahsa Mahdavian as the company’s new technical representative engineer. Mahdavian is based out of Sunnyvale, California, and is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to meet with ASC clients. She holds a Master of Science Degree in construction management from the University of North Texas, and early in her career she focused on research and development of cold-formed steel (CFS) shear walls. She has written over 20 papers on the topic of CFS shear walls and CFS clip angles, and started her professional career as a new product and market development research engineer where she focused on the development of new steel deck products and steel deck design software.

Now joining the ASC Steel Deck team as the technical representative engineer, Mahdavian plans on promoting ASC Steel Deck products to designers, engineers, architects, specification writers, and building owners. Feel free to reach out to Mahdavian for technical guidance or to schedule a meeting/presentation time with her.