Solar Panel
PowerFit 20 from Sunflare® is a light, thin, flexible, and nearly invisible solar panel that brings you energy without the ugly. Sunflare’s new PowerFit 20 lies flat, nestling in between the seams of your metal standing seam roof. For those who value the power of aesthetics as well as power of the sun, these are the modules for you.

Traditional cells are made with silicon, which is brittle, and are covered with glass, which can be damaged by hail. Sunflare modules start with a flexible, stainless steel substrate with a mere micron layer of semiconductors. Then they are covered with a polymer top sheet. This combination creates a durable panel for a long, productive life.
With PowerFit there are no roof penetrations needed. The modules come with a butyl adhesive backing, installers just peel and stick for a secure hold that can withstand gale force winds. Regarding the roof panel size, the standing seam flat must be at least 15.5” to accommodate wire management.
Sunflare modules have bypass diodes for each individual cell. This means when a cell is shaded, only that individual cell is inactive. Traditional solar panels have a bypass diode per string of cells. Therefore, if just one cell is covered, the whole string will not produce power. If the shade is across a single row, the entire panel can be knocked out.